गुरुवार, 1 सितंबर 2016



1. Which is the main objective of research ?
(A) To review the literature
(B) To summarize what is already known
(C) To get an academic degree
(D) To discover new facts or to make fresh interpretation of known facts

2. Sampling error decreases with the
(A) decrease in sample size
(B) increase in sample size
(C) process of randomization
(D) process of analysis

3. The principles of fundamental research are used in
(A) action research
(B) applied research
(C) philosophical research
(D) historical research

4. Users who use media for their own ends are identified as
(A) Passive audience 

(B) Active audience
(C) Positive audience 

(D) Negative audience

5. Classroom communication can be described as
(A) Exploration 

(B) Institutionalisation
(C) Unsignified narration 

(D) Discourse

6. Ideological codes shape our collective
(A) Productions 

(B) Perceptions
(C) Consumptions 

(D) Creations

7. In communication, myths have power, but are
(A) uncultural 

(B) insignificant
(C) imprecise 

(D) unpreferred

8. The first multi-lingual news agency of India was
(A) Samachar 

(C) Hindustan Samachar 

(D) Samachar Bharati

9. Organisational communication can also be equated with
(A) intra-personal communication.
(B) inter-personal communication.
(C) group communication.
(D) mass communication.

10. If two propositions having the same subject and predicate terms are such that one is the denial of the other, the relationship between them is called
(A) Contradictory
(B) Contrary
(C) Sub-contrary
(D) Sub-alternation